Native App Development

As the App industry has been developing over the years, one of the key issues that have come up is that customer experiences play a huge part in their success. If an app fails for the first time, it will be challenging to convince customers to use it again. It is thus of great importance to avoid mistakes. This is highly important for all service apps including taxi apps, food apps and online gambling apps. If lets say the odds bonuses where to stop working, you can bet the customers will leave.

Native Development In Android

android appsNative applications are those apps that have been developed to run on a particular device or platform. A native app can take use device-specific hardware and software hence can take advantage of the latest technology available. For example, they can use the GPS, list of contacts, camera and more. Native apps can also work offline and can make use of the device’s notifications system. Also hugely incorporated are icons.

Mobile Web Apps

Mobile Web Apps that look like apps are in a real sense, not apps. However, they are written in HTML and run by a browser and can appear anywhere on the home screen. They also have features such as GPS and tap to call feature. The notifications and running in the background, however, are not accessible. It is also possible to access data while offline due to the data catching.

The Final Words

Native applications are those apps that have been developed to run on a particular device or platform. A native app can take use device-specific hardware and software hence can take advantage of the latest technology available. Mobile Web Apps are written in HTML and run by a browser and can appear anywhere on the home screen. They also have features such as GPS and tap to call feature.